Do You Hate Sakura? 7 Favorite Moments of Sakura Haters!

Due to being disliked by some fans of the Naruto Anime, Sakura has often been labeled as a burden because her actions are seen as causing inconvenience to others. As a result, a group of these Sakura haters emerged; these Sakura haters constantly seek out Sakura's flaws. They also try to persuade other Naruto Anime fans to join in their dislike for Sakura.

However, no matter how much hatred these Sakura haters hold for her, it's unlikely that everything about Sakura will make them angry. Throughout the course of the Naruto Anime, these Sakura haters must have been entertained by Sakura at least a few times or felt joy when observing the behavior of the Sakura they despise.

Here are 7 Favorite Moments of Sakura Haters:

1. Sakura Narrowly avoids Chidori and Rasengan.

After a heated clash between Naruto and Sasuke on the rooftop of the Konoha Hospital, the next thing that happened was Naruto using Rasengan and Sasuke using Chidori. Both Naruto and Sasuke intended to pit Rasengan against Chidori.

Then, Sakura rushed to stop the fight between Naruto and Sasuke, but it must be admitted that Sakura is clever at finding the right position to put herself in danger. She positioned herself at the point where Naruto's Rasengan and Sasuke's Chidori attacks would collide.

Fortunately, Kakashi arrived just in time to save Sakura's life. Kakashi managed to stop Sasuke's Chidori and Naruto's Rasengan attacks, then he threw Sasuke and Naruto towards a water tank.

Are you a Sakura hater? Well, just admit it! You'd definitely be thrilled to see Sakura getting hit by both Sasuke's Chidori and Naruto's Rasengan at the same time. Oh, that's scary. I can't even think about it.

2. Sakura Gets Hit by Omoi's kick.

When Naruto and Sakura went to meet Sai to ask about everything related to Danzo because Naruto and Sakura were unhappy with Danzo's decision to become the interim Hokage, Danzo had formed a team to eliminate Uchiha Sasuke.

Suddenly, Omoi and Karui appeared, and Karui pointed her sword at Sakura. Then, Karui instructed Naruto, Sakura, and Sai to keep talking about Sasuke Uchiha, as Karui considered Sai, Sakura, and Naruto to be friends of Uchiha Sasuke.

Next, Naruto quickly moved to grab the sword from Sai's back, and Naruto swung it to strike Karui's sword that was aimed at Sakura. Naruto then used his elbow to restrain Omoi's hand from pulling the sword, and a Shadow Clone of Naruto intercepted Karui's sword strike.

After Naruto successfully immobilized Karui and Omoi, Sai and Sakura prepared to attack them. However, Omoi managed to dodge Sai's kick, and as Sakura prepared to punch Karui, Omoi preemptively kicked Sakura's face, causing her body to recoil. Fortunately, Naruto swiftly caught Sakura's body to prevent her from hitting a large boulder.

Subsequently, Omoi and Karui informed Naruto that Sasuke was a member of the Akatsuki who had attacked the Village of Kumogakure and abducted their sensei, Killer Bee. As a result, Naruto and Sakura were shocked to learn that Sasuke had joined the Akatsuki group. Sakura suddenly burst into tears upon hearing this. However, Karui scolded Sakura for crying, explaining that it should be Karui and Omoi who cried, given that their sensei had been kidnapped by Sasuke.

Are you a Sakura hater? Well, just admit it! You'd surely enjoy seeing Sakura get hit by Omoi's kick and Karui scolding Sakura while she's crying.

3. Sakura Trapped in Poison Gas

Sakura and Granny Chiyo were in a battle against Sasori and his favorite puppet, the Third Kazekage. Next, a master puppetry battle took place between Granny Chiyo, controlling Sakura, and Sasori, controlling the Third Kazekage puppet. After Sakura managed to survive the onslaught of thousands of hand attacks from the Third Kazekage puppet, the Third Kazekage puppet released a poisonous gas that enveloped Sakura in a cloud of purple smoke.

Even though Granny Chiyo, controlling Sakura, tried to pull Sakura out of the poisonous gas cloud, Sasori, controlling the Third Kazekage puppet, managed to attach a kunai with a thread to Sakura's body, immobilizing her and trapping her in the toxic gas. During the struggle between Granny Chiyo and Sasori, Sakura fought to hold her breath and avoid inhaling the poisonous gas.

Having previously survived the barrage of thousands of hand attacks from the Third Kazekage puppet, Sakura once again found herself lucky. This time, she managed to free herself from the poisonous smoke cloud by using an explosive paper detonation, saving herself.

Are you a Sakura hater? Well, just admit it! You must be delighted to see Sakura trapped by poison and secretly hope for her to be poisoned. But hey, that's not a good thought to have. You'd better think about investing in stocks.

4. Sakura Gets Impaled by Sasori's Sword

In the midst of a fierce battle between the 10 puppets controlled by Granny Chiyo and the 100 puppets controlled by Sasori, Sakura followed Granny Chiyo's command to throw a seal onto Sasori's body. Sakura managed to impale the seal, which made Sasori appear to be defeated, automatically causing all of Sasori's puppets to cease functioning.

Unbeknownst to Granny Chiyo and Sakura, before Sasori's main body was sealed, he had transferred his life core to another puppet body, making that puppet his new main body.

Later, Sasori moved to target Granny Chiyo's back while she was off guard. However, Sakura intervened by blocking the sword thrust aimed at Granny Chiyo with her own body. This saved Granny Chiyo, but Sakura ended up being impaled by Sasori's sword. Even though Granny Chiyo had injected an antidote into Sakura's body, Sasori's sword struck a vital point that would have killed Sakura regardless of the poison.

As Sakura struggled to remove the impaled sword from her body, Sasori prepared another sword to strike Sakura, who was unable to move. Unfortunately for Sasori, he failed to anticipate Granny Chiyo's movement as she lay exhausted on the ground. Granny Chiyo managed to manipulate the puppets of Sasori's Father and Mother to impale two swords into Sasori's life core, resulting in Sasori's true death.

After Sakura fortunately avoided being poisoned by Sasori's sword impalement due to Granny Chiyo administering an antidote, Sakura also fortunately avoided being struck by Sasori's other sword, as Granny Chiyo took care of Sasori first. Nevertheless, Sakura should have died from the sword impalement hitting a vital point, but her luck deserves praise. Granny Chiyo was the only person capable of using the Reincarnation Technique for healing, which saved Sakura's life.

Are you a Sakura hater? Well, just admit it! You probably weren't pleased to witness Granny Chiyo's rare ability that saved Sakura's life. But hey, that's not the right mindset to have. As humans, we should help each other, and Sakura is no exception.

5. Sakura Faints After Colliding With Kabuto

During the encounter on the Tenchi Bridge, Orochimaru, along with Kabuto, met the new Team 7 led by Yamato, consisting of members Sai, Sakura, and Naruto. Orochimaru provoked Naruto, stating that if Naruto wanted to retrieve Sasuke, he had to fight and defeat Orochimaru. Subsequently, Naruto, in his One-tailed Kyubi Mode, swiftly slapped Orochimaru's face, sending Orochimaru's body flying far away.

However, it didn't take long for Orochimaru to approach Naruto again, provoking him once more. Orochimaru wanted to test Naruto's current abilities to compare who was stronger between Sasuke and Naruto. As a result, Naruto grew even angrier and transformed into his Three-tailed Kyubi form. Strong chakra swirls enveloped his body, creating powerful gusts of wind and heating the air around him.

Following this, Kabuto prepared a chakra attack in his hand and charged towards Naruto in his Three-Tails Kyubi form. However, Naruto's mouth released a chakra bullet that sent Kabuto's body flying. Kabuto's airborne body collided with Sakura's, causing her to collapse unconscious on the Tenchi Bridge.

Are you a Sakura hater? Well, just admit it! You probably enjoy seeing Sakura faint after being hit by Kabuto's body.

6. Sakura Falls and Isn't Helped by Sai.

As Naruto in his Three-Tails Kyubi form was preparing to shoot a chakra bullet towards Kabuto, the attack's power was so immense that it caused significant damage to the Tenchi Bridge. Eventually, the bridge became so damaged that it broke apart and collapsed.

Consequently, Sakura, who was lying unconscious in the middle of the Tenchi Bridge, was in danger of falling into the river below. Although Yamato attempted to use Wood Release to hold the debris of the Tenchi Bridge and prevent Sakura from falling, ultimately, the bridge's destruction led to Sakura being on the verge of falling into the river.

Next, Yamato instructed Sai to rescue Sakura. Coincidentally, Sai was using the Chouju Giga technique and riding a bird beneath the Tenchi Bridge at that moment. While Sai was capable of catching Sakura as she was about to fall toward him, he chose to let her fall towards the river below the bridge. Fortunately, Yamato managed to grow tree roots that wrapped around Sakura's body, ultimately saving her.

Are you a Sakura hater? Well, just admit it! You probably enjoy seeing Sakura fall from the Tenchi Bridge and then Sai refusing to help her.

7. Sakura in Pain from Being Hit by Kyubi's Tail

After awakening from unconsciousness, Sakura witnessed Naruto in his Four-tailed Kyubi form being struck by the massive Kusanagi sword wielded by Orochimaru. Following this, Naruto, in his Four-tailed form, hurled the giant Kusanagi sword towards Orochimaru, and it nearly hit Sakura, who was caught off guard. Fortunately, Yamato swiftly moved to rescue Sakura.

Subsequently, Sakura found herself crying as she saw Naruto losing control of his body due to his transformation into the Four-Tail Kyubi form. With tears streaming down her face, Sakura ran towards the Four-Tails Kyubi, yelling, "That's enough, Naruto! I'll save Sasuke for you." However, the Four-Tails Kyubi swung its tail, hitting Sakura forcefully, causing her to fall to the ground in pain and sustain serious injuries to her arm.

Furthermore, Sakura was almost hit by the Kyubi's tail swipe for a second time, but Yamato managed to restrain the movements of the Four-Tails Kyubi using his Wood Release jutsu, ultimately saving Sakura.

Are you a Sakura hater? Well, just admit it! You probably enjoy seeing Sakura almost get struck by Orochimaru's giant Kusanagi sword. You're likely also pleased to witness Sakura being thrown into pain due to Kyubi's tail swipe.