7 Silly Things About Gojo Satoru: Doing Whatever He Pleases

Gojo Satoru is the teacher at Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical High School. He possesses exceptional Jujutsu techniques, making many cursed spirits afraid to face him. Despite being a powerful and feared figure, Gojo Satoru has a very cheerful personality.

In addition to his always cheerful nature, Gojo Satoru often acts silly towards others. It's no surprise that some characters find his behavior annoying and bothersome.

Here are 7 silly things about Gojo Satoru:

1. Gojo Satoru Can't Draw to Save His Life

Even though Gojo Satoru has a cool appearance and remarkable fighting abilities,

However, Gojo doesn't possess good drawing skills. Gojo was suddenly attacked on the way by a high-level cursed spirit named Jugo. After the incident, Gojo reported it and recounted the details to Fushiguro.

Subsequently, Gojo Satoru sketched a picture of the high-level cursed spirits, namely the drawings of Hanami and Jugo. Even though Gojo's depiction shown to Fushiguro was quite bad, But amusingly, when the high-level cursed spirits attacked Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical High School, Thanks to Gojo's poor drawing, Fushiguro was still able to recognize Hanami and be wary of it.

2. Gojo Satoru Borrowed Maki's Knife and Didn't Return it.

During the time when Gojo ordered Yuji and Nobara to remove curses from an old building. Yuji complained that he hadn't yet mastered Jujutsu techniques. Because in theory, curses can only be lifted with curses. Gojo informed Yuji that his body was already half cursed, allowing him to handle curses.

However, Gojo prohibited Yuji from using Sukuna's curse power within his body. Instead, Gojo provided him with a magical tool called the "Demon Slayer," a weapon infused with curse energy. As a result, Yuji managed to wield the cursed knife effectively and successfully defeat the cursed spirit.

The issue, however, is that the "Demon Slayer" knife given to Yuji belongs to Maki.

During a meeting between the students of Jujutsu Technical High Schools in Tokyo and Kyoto, held as part of an exchange program, The two schools had a strategy meeting before beginning their battle against cursed spirits.

Later, Maki, a senior and second-year student at Tokyo Jujutsu Technical High School, learned that Gojo lent Yuji the knife. Maki asked Yuji to return her magical knife, but Yuji didn't dare admit that he had damaged it. So he claimed that Gojo had taken the magical knife, which led Maki to curse Gojo by calling him a "blindfolded idiot."

Possibly Yuji didn't take good care of the magical knife, assuming it was provided by Gojo. In reality, the magical knife belonged to Maki. This is seriously a mess caused by Gojo Satoru.

3. Gojo Satoru Creates a Silly Surprise Idea

Yuji is a high school student at Jujutsu High School who was reported dead while on a mission. However, thanks to Sukuna's abilities within Yuji's body, he managed to come back to life. Following that, Gojo kept Yuji's condition a secret for two months. Gojo then trained Yuji to become strong and promised to announce Yuji's presence at the Jujutsu High School exchange event.

During the Jujutsu High School exchange event between Tokyo and Kyoto, Yuji reminded Gojo of his promise, as he couldn't wait to return to school and meet his friends and seniors.

However, Gojo didn't suggest a typical appearance for Yuji, as he had been considered dead for two months. Gojo had an idea and asked Yuji to follow his instructions, as Gojo planned to make Yuji a surprise gift.

Gojo assured that the first-year class would definitely be shocked and happy, crying and laughing. The second-year seniors from Tokyo and Kyoto High Schools would also cry out of joy at witnessing Yuji being alive. Some even cried so hard that it caused vomiting, eventually solving the issue of global warming. That was Gojo's promise to Yuji.

As the Jujutsu students and teachers from Kyoto and Tokyo gathered, Gojo arrived with a cheerful expression, carrying a large suitcase. He claimed to have just returned from a business trip abroad. Gojo then distributed talismans from a certain tribe to the Kyoto students as souvenirs.

After that, Gojo presented the large suitcase as a gift to the Tokyo Jujutsu High School students. Suddenly, Yuji appeared with a cheerful expression, and Gojo introduced him as their friend Yuji, who had supposedly died.

However, the reaction to Yuji's appearance was different from what Gojo had promised. None of the Tokyo students seemed happy, and the Kyoto students were more focused on the souvenirs Gojo had given them.

4. Gojo Satoru Doesn't Allow Fushiguro to Go home.

When Fushiguro visited Sukisawa High School in Miyagi Prefecture, he was tasked with finding Sukuna's cursed finger at night. However, when Fushiguro opened the instrument box where the cursed object was supposed to be stored, he found it empty.

Subsequently, Fushiguro contacted Gojo Satoru via phone call and informed him that he didn't find the cursed object in the instrument box. Gojo then responded to Fushiguro, stating that he wouldn't allow Fushiguro to go home until he found Sukuna's cursed finger.

As a result, Fushiguro angrily cursed and threatened to beat up Gojo another time.

5. Gojo Satoru Changes the Tradition of the Jujutsu High School Match

During the exchange meeting between Jujutsu High Schools in Tokyo and Kyoto, the respective school heads proposed a type of competition that would take place for a full day as part of the two-day friendship event. Each year, the first day involves group matches, and the second day consists of individual battles.

After Jujutsu High Schools in Tokyo and Kyoto had completed the group matches, the individual battles were supposed to follow. However, due to Gojo Satoru's eccentric behavior and his disdain for traditions, he decided to change the second day's competition without permission. Instead of the intended individual battles, Gojo altered it to a baseball game.

As a result, the heads of Tokyo and Kyoto schools, Yaga and Gakuganji, became furious at Gojo Satoru's antics.

6. Gojo Satoru Customizes Yuji's School Uniform

While Fushiguro and Itadori Yuji were waiting for the arrival of the third-year students from Jujutsu High School Tokyo, Gojo Satoru approached them, also awaiting the arrival of the first-year students who hadn't arrived yet.

Gojo was impressed by Yuji's Jujutsu High School uniform, which had been prepared on time even though Yuji was a new student. However, Yuji was a bit surprised to find that his uniform included a head covering and had some differences compared to Fushiguro's uniform.

Gojo informed Yuji that if he had any requests, the uniform could be customized. Yet Yuji felt he had never requested a custom uniform. Gojo then revealed that he had made a personal decision and put in a request to customize Yuji's uniform. However, Yuji didn't make a big deal out of it.

Following that, Fushiguro advised Yuji to be more cautious, as Gojo-sensei had a habit of acting on his own whims.

7. Gojo Satoru Pranking His Students

To celebrate the completion of the first-year students at Jujutsu High School Tokyo, namely Yuji, Nobara, and Fushiguro, and considering that two of them were visiting Tokyo for the first time, Gojo decided to take his students on a trip around Tokyo.

Yuji and Nobara felt excited to be taken around Tokyo. Nobara asked to visit Tokyo Disneyland, and Yuji wanted to go to Chinatown. Subsequently, Yuji and Nobara started arguing about their preferred destinations. Gojo then announced that the destination of their outing would be Roppongi. As a result, Nobara and Yuji reconciled, as they both liked Roppongi.

However, in reality, Gojo had played a prank on the first-year students. He took them to visit a public cemetery and then asked Nobara and Yuji to remove curses from discarded buildings as part of a field test.

As a result, Yuji and Nobara felt deceived by Gojo Satoru, especially Nobara, who grumbled that Gojo had tricked the "provincials," even though people from the provinces played a significant role in providing food for the city dwellers.