Kakashi Hatake: From the Most Rule-Abiding to a Rebel

Kakashi is the son of Hatake Sakumo, and he greatly idolizes his father. Not only Kakashi, but also the residents of Konoha Village, hold Hatake Sakumo in high esteem. He was nicknamed Konoha's White Fang, as he was considered a genius Shinobi who was said to be even greater than the Legendary Three Sannin of Konoha.

However, ill fate befell Hatake Sakumo when he was chosen as the leader of a team on a secret mission to infiltrate enemy territory. Sakumo found himself in a dilemma where he had to choose between the success of the mission and the safety of his team members. According to Shinobi rules, abandoning a mission is considered forbidden, but Sakumo chose to prioritize the safety of his teammates over the mission's success.

As a result of Sakumo's decision to save his friend, it led to significant losses for both Konoha Village and the Fire Country. Consequently, Sakumo was humiliated and ostracized by the people of Konoha, including by the friends and teammates he had saved. This led Sakumo into depression, and he eventually chose to end his own life.

Since his father's mission failure, Kakashi no longer idolizes his father and no longer takes pride in him. After his father's death, Kakashi vowed to always adhere to every Shinobi law and rule.

Here's Why Kakashi Hatake, the Most Rule-Abiding, Became a Rebel:

1. Young Kakashi Hatake, the Most Rule-Abiding Kid

Kakashi, the Kid Who was always obsessed with Following the Rules, Turns into a Rebel!

Kakashi is a figure who is obsessed with adhering to Shinobi regulations. He also firmly holds onto a principle: Shinobi who break the rules and discipline are trash.

Therefore, Kakashi always prioritizes mission success above anything else. Even when he witnesses his team members injured or left behind in enemy territory, Kakashi won't pay attention to them, as he'll continue focusing on completing the mission. As a result, Kakashi often clashes with his teammates and superiors and is seen as emotionless.

During the Third Great Ninja War, Sandaime Hiruzen dispatched Team Minato to destroy the Kannabi Bridge that the Iwagakure Shinobi used to send reinforcements. However, Minato, Rin, and Kakashi were forced to postpone the mission departure because Obito hadn't arrived at the designated meeting spot. After Obito arrived late, Kakashi scolded him for not arriving on time and lectured him about adhering to Shinobi regulations.

Kakashi has also memorized the laws and rules of the Shinobi. When Obito got scared of being attacked by enemies and was subsequently rescued by Minato, Kakashi got frustrated hearing Obito's words about not being cautious of enemy danger, as Obito claimed his eyes were dusty and watery. Kakashi then lectured Obito using the Shinobi rulebook, specifically Article 25, stating that Shinobi shouldn't show tears.

Following that, Minato divided the team into two groups to carry out their respective tasks. Team Kakashi, led by Kakashi with Rin and Obito as members, was assigned to infiltrate the enemy's rear area, destroy the Kannabi Bridge, and then retreat. Meanwhile, Minato would handle the enemies directly on his own to divert their attention, allowing Team Kakashi's mission to proceed smoothly.

Eventually, Kakashi also found himself in a situation where he had to choose between mission success and the safety of his teammates, as Rin had been kidnapped by the Iwagakure Shinobi. Without hesitation, Kakashi chose to continue the mission. Obito then scolded Kakashi for heartlessly abandoning a fellow comrade. In response, Kakashi explained to Obito about the Shinobi rulebook, stating that a Shinobi must be willing to sacrifice a friend for the sake of mission success.

Although Kakashi had informed Obito about the Shinobi rulebook that required members to obey the team leader's orders, Obito still chose to break the rules to help Rin. Next, Obito told Kakashi that he believed Sakumo Hatake was a true hero. Obito also acknowledged Kakashi's principle that Shinobi who break the rules and discipline are called trash, but to Obito, a Shinobi who abandons his friend is worse than trash.

After receiving Obito's heartfelt lecture that struck his core and touched his heart, Kakashi eventually decided to repent and vowed not to follow the Shinobi rulebook anymore. Following that, Kakashi also joined Obito in rescuing Rin, who had been taken hostage by the Iwagakure Shinobi.

2. Kakashi Hatake Teaches His Students to Break the Rules

After serving as a Konoha Anbu for 10 years, Sandaime Hiruzen ordered Kakashi to retire from Anbu and assigned him the role of a Jonin responsible for guiding Genin.

Despite being given three freshly graduated Academy students officially ranked as Genin, Kakashi wouldn't accept his students right away. Instead, Kakashi would subject his potential students to a Genin eligibility test.

During lunchtime, Kakashi once tied a rope around the body of a Genin and fastened them to a tree. He then provided two Bento boxes to the other two Genin. Kakashi established a rule forbidding these two Genin from sharing their food with the Genin who was tied up. Kakashi would then pretend to leave the trio alone for a while. If he observed the three Genin adhering to the rule during his absence, Kakashi wouldn't consider them his students. He would return them to the Academy.

Team 7, consisting of Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto, also underwent Kakashi's Genin eligibility test. During lunchtime, Naruto was caught stealing food during training and ended up tied to a tree. Kakashi provided Sakura and Sasuke with Bento boxes but prohibited them from sharing their food with Naruto. Failure to follow Kakashi's rule would lead to disqualification, as it meant the candidate failed the test.

Later on, Kakashi feigned departure, leaving Team 7 behind temporarily. From a distance, Kakashi observed Sakura and Sasuke struggling to eat their lunch in front of the hungry Naruto. Eventually, both Sasuke and Sakura broke Kakashi's rule by sharing their food with Naruto. Suddenly, Kakashi reappeared before Team 7, pretending to be angry at them for daring to break the rule.

However, it was precisely because Team 7 dared to break Kakashi's rule that he ultimately decided to accept them as his students. If Team 7 had followed Kakashi's rule and refrained from giving Naruto food, they would have failed, just like Kakashi's previous group. This decision was guided by Obito's words, which Kakashi held dear: While it's true that a Shinobi who breaks rules and discipline is trash, a Shinobi who abandons their friend is worse than trash.

3. Kakashi is known for Being late, According to colleagues.

Once, Kakashi caused trouble for Genma, who was tasked with supervising the Chunin Exam matches. This was due to Kakashi repeatedly announcing delays for the match between Sasuke and Gaara, leading to the audience's anger and Sasuke being at risk of disqualification. Eventually, Kakashi appeared with Sasuke, who had arrived late, ensuring Sasuke could face Gaara. Consequently, Genma understood Sasuke's tardiness, attributing it to Kakashi's influence. Genma even joked that Kakashi had passed on his habit of lateness to Sasuke.

Moreover, during Sandaime Hiruzen's funeral, Yugao coincidentally encountered Kakashi at the hero monument bearing Obito's name. Having been Kakashi's subordinate in the Anbu and knowing his habitual lateness, Yugao realized that Kakashi was intentionally stalling to attend the funeral. She advised Kakashi that instead of always pondering excuses for his lateness, he should arrive earlier.

Almost all of Kakashi's colleagues were well aware of his tendency to arrive late. However, it appeared that Kakashi's perpetual tardiness was due to him imitating Obito's habit, despite Kakashi being punctual during his youth.

When they were kids, Kakashi was displeased with Obito Uchiha's constant tardiness. The photographer assigned to Team Minato's photoshoot grew impatient waiting for Obito, but Minato and Rin kept stalling to accommodate Obito. Kakashi empathized with the photographer's frustration. After Obito's belated arrival, he could only smile, but both the photographer and Kakashi were irritated with him. Minato couldn't fathom Obito's endless tardiness.

When Team Minato was newly formed, Kakashi was angry with Obito for being late during their introduction, despite Minato and Rin not being bothered. However, Kakashi, now a Jonin leader, also arrived late during the formation of Team 7, intentionally stalling at the hero monument with Obito's name engraved. As a result, Kakashi was late to pick up Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto from the Academy.

During a Team Minato meeting, Obito arrived late and claimed he got lost. Kakashi scolded Obito for his tardiness, lecturing him about the responsibilities of a Shinobi to obey rules. Kakashi believed Obito's careless attitude when getting lost risked the safety of his comrades, had it been a mission. Ironically, Kakashi himself often arrived late to meetings with Team 7, blaming it on getting lost on the path of life.

It seemed Kakashi used his habit of lateness as a symbol of his rebellious nature, contrasting with his disciplined youth. He once even admitted regret when a large boulder pinned Obito, as he had been too rule-bound to follow Obito's command to save Rin initially. As a result, Kakashi had to witness Obito's near-death under the boulder, eventually becoming buried in rubble.

4. Kakashi's Latecomer Penance! Kakashi Finally Experiences Waiting

As someone who frequently sowed the seeds of tardiness and annoyed others by making them wait for his arrival, Kakashi had to reap the consequences of his actions. This time, Kakashi found himself waiting for Naruto, who was running late.

As Kakashi was about to conclude his tenure as the Sixth Hokage of Konoha Village, he had already planned to lead a peaceful life and relax in the hot springs.

However, before Kakashi could embark on the peaceful life he yearned for, he had to experience the long wait for Naruto's arrival. Naruto was supposed to be inaugurated as the Seventh Hokage of Konoha Village, but he hadn't shown up yet. This was particularly frustrating for Kakashi, as the entire population of Konoha Village was ready to celebrate their new Hokage.

Subsequently, Kakashi became even more perplexed when Hinata approached him, carrying the Seventh Hokage's robe. To Kakashi's surprise, Hinata revealed that Naruto hadn't arrived for the Hokage inauguration event. This caused Kakashi, who was responsible for leading the inauguration ceremony, to panic. Naruto wasn't just fashionably late this time; he hadn't appeared at all for the Hokage inauguration event.